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Welcome to my webpage! I am a mathematician specialising in analysis, holding a professorship at the University of Konstanz  (W1 to W3) since April 2021.


Before I moved to Konstanz, I was a postdoc in the Analysis & PDE group at the University of Bonn under the mentorship of Prof. H. Koch. Prior to that position, I completed my DPhil in the OxPDE group at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. J. Kristensen. A short CV is available here.


Broadly speaking, my research is centered around regularity theory in the calculus of variations, real analysis, function spaces and their interactions in applications. Here, a particular focus is on the borderline case of linear growth functionals, where things substantially differ from other frameworks - might it be because of compactness or failure of standard techniques from harmonic analysis.



Feel free to look around! For research papers, please look here, and for more specific course material, please look here.



Conference 'Calculus of Variations: Regularity Theory and Limiting Spaces'

Jointly with Jan Kristensen (Oxford) and Bogdan Raita (Pisa), we are organising a conference on the Calculus of Variations, Regularity Theory and Limiting spaces. More information can be found here.



A talk on talks, Summer Term 2022:

For good practice in beamer talks (e.g. for the cabin seminar announced below), have a look at the slides to be found here.


Summer Term 2022: Cabin seminar/Hüttenseminar 

In summer 2022, I offer a cabin seminar on the topic Harmonic functions and the Dirichlet prin-ciple. For the details, see this flyer (click).


Summer Term 2022: Lecture 'Harmonic Analysis & Corona Theorems

In summer 2022, I offer a 4hrs-lecture on harmonic analysis. For the details, visit this subpage.


Winter Term 2021/22: Lectures

In winter 2021/22, I will give two 2hrs weekly lectures next term: One on Fourier analysis (BSc level) and one on the Calculus of Variations (MSc or advanced BSc level). More information will be circulated here soon.


Summer Term 2021: Lecture & Seminar

* The lecture is scheduled - find here the BBB-link.*


In summer 2021, I will offer an MSc lecture on "Functions of bounded variation and their appli-cations" as well as a BSc/MSc seminar on "Convex Analysis". A more detailled description of these courses can be found here (lecture) and here (seminar). Feel free to contact me in case of any questions!

Summer Term 2020: Graduate Lecture 'Selected Topics in Analysis & PDE' on Function Spaces and Potential Theory

In summer 2020 I offer a graduate lecture (MSc level) on function spaces and (non-)linear potential theory. A more detailled description of the lecture (including time & venue) is available here.

Outreach talks: Prof@School

Recently, I embarked on the prof@school program. If interested, I am happy to deliver a talk at your school - topics can be found at the official univer-sity site here.


Causal Fermion Systems Community

As of October 2022, I have joined the causal fermion systems community, embarking on a theory at the interface of calculus of variations and physics. Find more information here.

Winter Term 2021/22: Thesis Supervisions

I am always willing to supervise graduation theses in Analysis & PDE (both BSc, MSc). In case you are interested, you can get some inspiration by previous theses here - feel free to contact me!


Winter Term 2020/21: Thesis Supervisions

Since I am leaving Bonn to March 1, 2021, I will not be able to supervise any new Bachelor's or Master's theses. If you are intrested in writing a thesis in Analysis & PDE, you may contact our group members, first and foremost Prof. H. Koch.

Cabin Seminar Summer Term 2020:

In summer 2020, H. Koch and I will offer a block seminar for our Bachelor and Master students. By the recent outbreak of the corona virus, we were bound to cancel the original appointment in May 2020; we will make good for the seminar at some later point - in the meantime, stay healthy!



Update (Jun 15): It is still not conceivable when the Corona restrictions are softened enough to go for a cabin seminar in summer. In any case, we shall have a hike - more information will be dis-tributed here once available.

Workshop: In September 2019, L. Beck (Augsburg), J. Kristensen (Oxford) and myself organised a workshop on linear growth functionals  - more information is available here. - Many thanks to all the participants for this wonderful event!

Summer Term 2020: Function Spaces & Potential Theory informal closing meeting

Either on Jul 16 or Jul 21, we will have an infor-mal closing meeting for my selected topics lec-ture in a beergarden (participants will be invited),

and more information will be available here soon.

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Contact Details: 

JProf Dr F Gmeineder                                                                                   

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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