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The list below comprises (almost) all talks I gave in seminars or conferences (for selected talks, find the slides on the right hand side). For various outreach talks, please look here!

  1. Upcoming: NAFSA 13 (Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces & Applications), Prague, June 2026. Invited by L. Pick & Z. Mihula. 

  2. Analysis Seminar Taipeh, Dec 2024. Invited by D. Spector.

  3. Upcoming: FSDONA, Sep 2024.

  4. Conference 'Regularity Theory for variational problems and nonlinear PDEs with non-standard growth', Trento, September 2024. Invited by A. Cianchi, C. De Filippis, L. Diening, J. Kristensen.

  5. Workshop, Function spaces section at ECM 2024. Invited by A. Cianchi, L. Pick & L. Slavíková

  6. Analysis Seminar Karlsruhe, Jun 2024. Invited by X. Liao.

  7. Analysis Seminar Konstanz, Jun 2024. Invited by R. Racke.

  8. Minicourse: Korn inequalities - old and new, TU Darmstadt, May 2024. Invited by T. Tscherpel.

  9. Conference 'New trends in analysis', October 2023. Invited by P. Lewintan.

  10. Conference '11th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group "Analysis of Partial Differential Equations"', September 2023. Invited by C. Kreisbeck.

  11. Conference TULKKA (Tübingen, Ulm, Karlsruhe and Konstanz), Konstanz, July 2023. Invited by R. Denk & R. Racke. Title: KMS inequalities - the full story.

  12. Analysis Seminar Konstanz, July 2022. Upcoming.

  13. Conference Harmonic Analysis and PDE, HIM Bonn, May 2023. Invited by S. Herr, A. Rüland & C. Thiele.           Title: Old and New in L1-estimates for differential operators.

  14. Hamburg Analysis Seminar, University of Hamburg, May 23, 2023. Invited by T. Schmidt.                                               Title: Quasiconvexity, (1,q)-growth and partial regularity.

  15. Purdue PDE Seminar, Purdue University, April 06, 2023. Invited by M. Torres.                                                                  Title: Quasiconvexity, (p,q)-growth and partial regularity.

  16. Mathematical Colloquium, University of Duisburg-Essen, April 05, 2023. Invited by P. Lewintan.                                    Title: Functions of bounded A-variation: From harmonic analysis to regularity theory.

  17. Analysis Seminar, University of Duisburg-Essen, April 06, 2023. Invited by P. Neff & P. Lewintan.                                 Title: Quasiconvexity, (p,q)-growth and partial regularity.

  18. Analysis and PDE Seminar, University of Warwick, March 16, 2023. Invited by F. Rindler.                                          Title: Quasiconvexity, (p,q)-growth and partial regularity.

  19. Conference 'Fractional Integration and Related Phenomena', December 2022. Invited by C. B. Stockdale & D Spector. Title: Trace estimates for L1-based function spaces.

  20. Mathematical Physics Seminar Regensburg, November 30, 2022. Invited. by F. Finster.                                                    Title: Sharp Korn-Maxwell-Sobolev Inequalities in all dimensions.

  21. Analysis Seminar Heidelberg, November 2022. Invited by A Rüland.                                                                          Title: Quasiconvex functionals of (p,q)-growth and the partial regularity of relaxed minimizers.

  22. Conference 'FSA 2022', Apolda. Title: Traces for L1-based function spaces. 

  23. Conference 'Non-uniformly elliptic problems', IMPAN Warsaw. Invited by I Chlebicka, A Zatorska-Goldstein & A Balci. Title: Quasiconvex functionals of (p,q)-growth and the partial regularity of relaxed minimizers. 

  24. BiDiscrete Seminar, Jul 05, 2022. University of Bielefeld. Invited by L Diening & T Tscherpel.                                  Title: Sharp KMS-inequalities in all dimensions.

  25. Analysis Seminar Konstanz, Jun 02, 2022. University of Konstanz.                                                                                Title: Title: Sharp KMS-inequalities in all dimensions.

  26. Analysis Seminar Duisburg-Essen, Apr 07, 2022. University of Duisburg-Essen. Invited by P. Neff & P Lewintan.        Title: Truncations, differential constraints and divsym-quasiconvexity.

  27. Function Space Seminar Prague, Jan 06, 2022. Charles University of Prague.  Invited by L. Pick.                              Title: A-quasiconvexity, function spaces and regularity. 

  28. Conference 'Calculus of Variations' in Levico Terme. Invited by A. Cianchi, G. Mingione & I. Verbitsky.                    Title: The partial regularity of relaxed minima for quasiconvex functionals with (p,q)-growth.

  29. Karlsruhe Analysis Seminar, June 18, 2021. University of Karlsruhe. Invited by X. Liao.                                                    Title: A-quasiconvexity, function spaces and regularity. 

  30. Ulm Analysis Seminar, May 10, 2021. University of Ulm. Invited by E. Wiedemann.                                                   Title: A-quasiconvexity, function spaces and regularity.                             

  31. Virtual Maxwell Analysis Seminar, Jan 29, 2021. Heriot-Watt-University Edinburgh. Invited by J. Hickman, H. Gimperlein.                                                                                                                                                                              Title: A-quasiconvexity, function spaces and regularity.

  32. Nonstandard Seminar, Nov 23, 2020. Warsaw University. Invited by I. Chlebicka.                                                               Title: A-quasiconvexity and partial regularity.

  33. OIST Analysis Seminar, Nov 15, 2020, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. Invited by D. Spector.                    Title: A-quasiconvexity and partial regularity.

  34. Clemson Analysis Seminar, Nov 14, 2020, Clemson University. Invited by C. Stockdale                                            Title: Limiting L1-estimates for differential operators.

  35. Bi.Discrete analysis seminar, Apr 21, 2020. University of Bielefeld (online). Invited by L. Diening.                           Title: Full gradient estimates for variational problems on BD: Final take.

  36. Nonlinear analysis seminar, Mar 02, 2020, Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology. Invited by D. Spector.       Title: Limiting L1-trace inequalities for differential operators.

  37. 11th itinerant workshop in the analysis of PDEs, Bonn, Jan 20-24, 2020. Invited by H. Koch, D. Dos Santos and L. Thomann. Title: Functions of bounded A-variation and degenerate elliptic problems.

  38. Analysis Seminar, University of Hamburg, Jan 14, 2020. Invited by T. Schmidt.                                                                  Title: Regularity for variational problems on BD.

  39. Function Space Seminar, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Nov 29, 2019. Invited by D. Haroske, H. Schmeisser & H Triebel.                                                                                                                                                                                Title: Embeddings and fine properties of functions of bounded $A$-variation.

  40. Analysis Seminar, UC Louvain (jointly with U of Brussels), Nov 18, 2019. Invited by H. Olbermann.                          Title: Regularity for the Dirichlet problems on BV and BD.

  41. Calculus of Variations and Applications, Trani, Italy, Oct 28-31, 2019. Speaker. Invited by V. Crismale, F. Iurlano, G. Orlando. Title: Regularity for the Dirichlet problems on BV and BD.

  42. Analysis Seminar, University of Warwick, Oct 10, 2019. Invited by F. Rindler.                                                            Title: Regularity theory for quasiconvex functionals with linear growth from below.

  43. DEA 2019, international conference on differential equations, Krakow, Sep 16-21, 2019. Speaker at the minisymposium 'Calculus of Variations: A-free measures and concentration effects for PDEs', invited by F. Rindler.

  44. Conference on 'Elliptic and parabolic problems, Gaeta, May 2019', minisymposium 'Regularity in nonlinear elasticity'.  Invited by M. Carozza, R. Schiattarella, P. Di Gironimo. Title: Partial Regularity for Functionals of (1,q)-growth.

  45. Analysis Seminar, Ulm University, November 2018.  Invited by E. Wiedemann.                                                         Title: Regularity for quasiconvex problems with (p,q)-growth.

  46. International Conference on 'New Trends in the Regularity Theory for nonlinear PDE, October 2018.                            Invited by A. Passarelli di Napoli. Title: Partial Regularity for BV-minimizers.

  47. Analysis Seminar, jointly by TU Munich & Augsburg University, June 2018. Invited by L. Beck.                                   Title: Regularity for variational problems on BD.

  48. Analysis Seminar / Stochastic Afternoon, University of Bielefeld, May 2018. Invited by L. Diening.                                 Title: Regularity for BV-minimizers.

  49. Conference on 'Regularity Theory for elliptic and parabolic Systems in continuum mechanics', May 2018.                        Title: Regularity Theory for Semiconvex Problems on BD.

  50. PDE CDT Student Seminar, University of Oxford, February 2018.                                                                                       Title: Old and New in Regularity for Systems.

  51. Analysis & PDE Seminar, University of Bonn, October 2017.                                                                                               Title: Topics in L1-estimates.

  52. Conference Analysis & PDE Seminar, October 2017, University of Hannover. Invited by E. Wiedemann.                         Title: Regularity results on L1-based spaces.

  53. Analysis Seminar, University of Bielefeld, June 2017. Invited by L. Diening.                                                                      Title: On a Neumann problem on BV.

  54. Summer School on Fluid Mechanics, Kacov (organised by Charles University, Prague), Czech Republic.                          Title: Limiting L1-estimates and traces for BV^{A}-maps.

  55. Analysis Seminar, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften & University of                    Leipzig, May 2017. Title: Regularity for a Neumann problem on BV.

  56. Oxbridge Conference on Nonlinear PDEs, March 2017, Oxford.                                                                                           Title: Convex variational problems on BD.

  57. PDE CDT Student Seminar, University of Oxford, February 2017.                                                                                       Title: A direct approach to Sobolev-trace estimates.

  58. Analysis Seminar, University of Osnabrück, January 2017.                                                                                                   Title: A unifying approach to Korn-type inequalities

  59. Analysis Seminar, University of Bonn, December 2016. Invited by H. Koch.                                                                       Title: Regularity results for variational problems on BV and BD. 

  60. PDE CDT Student Seminar, University of Oxford, November 2016.                                                                                     Title: Korn-type inequalities: Old and New

  61. Analysis Seminar, Heriot-Watt-University Edinburgh, November 2016. Invited by D. Breit.                                               Title: Korn-type inequalities: Old and New

  62. University of Regensburg Analysis Seminar. Invited by F. Finster.                                                                                       Title: Regularity Theory in the L1-framework.

  63. PDE CDT Seminar, University of Oxford, June 2016.                                                                                                            Title: Some topics in L1-estimates and trace theory.

  64. PDE Lunchtime Seminar, University of Oxford, June 2016. Organised by A. Rüland & F. Della Porta.                          Title: Higher integrability of minima of convex functionals on BD.

  65. Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, May 2016. Invited by C. Leone, A. Verde &                                  B. Stroffolini. Title: Sobolev regularity for linear growth problems on BD.

  66. PDE CDT Seminar, University of Oxford, Feb 2016.                                                                                                     Title: On Lipschitz-type truncations.

  67. Analysis Seminar, University of Osnabrück, January 2016. Invited by L. Diening.                                                               Title: Sobolev regularity for linear growth problems on BD via weighted Nikolskii space techniques.

  68. Young Researchers in Analysis & PDE, University of Sussex. Invited by A. Taheri, July 2014.                                          Title: Variational Problems on L1-based spaces.

  69. Workshop Rethinking foundations of Physics, March 2014. Invited by J. Kleiner.                                                          Title: The variational principle - mathematics and ontology behind.

  70. 5th Spring School on Evolution Equations, March 2013.                                                                                                Title: Analysis of parabolic BV, BD and BDdiv spaces.                                                                                       

Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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