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The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of journals for which I served as a referee:

  • Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.

  • Duke Math J.

  • Calc. Var. PDE

  • Journal of the EMS (JEMS)

  • Indiana University Math.

  • Ars Inveniendi Anal.

  • Adv. Calc. Var.

  • Rev. Mat. Iberoam.

  • SIMA

  • Journal of Nonlinear Science

  • Potential Analysis

  • Anal. Math.

  • Math. Nachrichten

  • Nonlinear Analysis

  • Arch. Math.

  • Quart. J. Math.

  • Zeitschrift Ang. Math. Mech.

  • Proc. AMS

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