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I enjoy supervising graduation theses and have had the privilege to advise several remarkable theses, some of which can be viewed here. Even though I did not win it, I am more than grateful to having been nominated as an outstanding graduate student supervisor in 2017 by the students I advised in Oxford - thank you! Look here for more information.

I am always willing to supervise theses in Analysis & PDE (please see the note below!). If you are interested in writing a thesis under my supervision, feel free to contact me!  For a rough guideline, a selection of possible topics can be found here:

In the following file, I gathered some remarks and (hopefully useful) hints on how to write a thesis:

Also check out this subpage, where I intend to collect more auxiliary background material for writing theses, giving presentations, etc.

Important Note (Jun 1, 2020): In winter term 2020/21, I decided to have three free slots for master's theses; these are now fully booked out. Hence I will not be able to supervise new theses. Due to recent requests for thesis supervisions - for which I am very thankful, though! - I will not be able to supervise new Bachelor's or Master's theses in the present and upcoming  term. If you are interested in writing theses in the area of Analysis & PDE, feel free to browse our group page - the person in charge is Prof. Herbert Koch (click here to be forwarded to his webpage).

Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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