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Quick information: In summer term 2020, I will give a graduate lecture on 'Function Spaces & Potential Theory' within the selected topics series. By the recent outbreak of the corona virus, the lectures will

  • take place online. As soon as I have more information, the precise platform will be communicated on this website. We will make use of Zoom - the ID and the password are available on request.

  • be available online as videos. The lectures themselves will be broadcasted and provided online afterwards; there will be extensive lecture notes and additional slides.

  • These rules apply at least until we are allowed to return to the usual setting - in any case, to have a consistent course framework, all lectures will be provided online (even though we might restart as usual at some later point).


Target audience: The course itself is designed for Master students (and onwards). Bachelor students (3rd year/6th term of study) are also welcome. The necessary prerequisites for the course are as follows:

  • Foundational modules: Analysis 1 - 3, Linear Algebra 1,2,

  • Advanced modules: Introduction to PDE (or Nonlinear PDE 1 - at least one of the two), Functional Analysis & PDEs.


Main references: The course will not follow a particular textbook as I also aim to report on some more recent developments as the course evolves. A preliminary background reading list is as follows:

  • Adams, D.R., Hedberg, L.I.: Function Spaces and Potential Theory, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 341, Springer Verlag, 1996.

  • Heinonen, J.; Kilepläinen, T.; Martio, O.: Nonlinear Potential Theory of Degenerate Elliptic Equations, Dover Publications, 2006.

  • Kuusi, T.; Mingione, G.: Guide to nonlinear potential estimates. Bull. Math. Sci. (2014) 4:1–82.                       

Lectures, slides & lecture notes

The lecture notes are available here (current as of May, 18).


Lectures 6-8 (typing is not quite finished) are available here.


Lecture 9 is available here.

Problem Sets

There are non-obligatory problem sets. By request, we might have a discussion session. The precise date will be will be set up by a Doodle poll.


Useful background material

Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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