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External Reviewer


  • C. Langer (PhD 2021, University of Regensburg, first advisor: Prof F Finster): Existence of Minimizers for Causal Variational Principles on Non-Compact Manifolds.

Former students:


  • P. Stephan (MSc 2023, now PhD student at Konstanz University): KMS Inequalities - from ellipticity to the constant rank condition. Thesis awarded with the VEUK prize 2023.

  • D. Meyer (MSc 2021, now PhD student at Münster University): The total deformation flow.

  • M. Bärlin (MSc 2021, now PhD student at Konstanz University): Partial regularity for variational problems.

  • L. Behn (MSc 2020, up from 2021 PhD student at Bielefeld University): Lipschitz truncations for functions of bounded A-variation.

  • K. Keßler (MSc 2020): Regularity properties of relaxed minima for strongly A-quasiconvex variational integrals of linear growth.             

  • P. Wozniak (MSc 2020, now PhD student at Münster University): Sobolev for functionals of linear growth involving differential operators.                                                                                                                         


  • A. Czako (BSc 2023): Fixed point theorems - a comprehensive comparison.

  • R. Gauder (BSc 2022): Contruction of harmonic measures. 

  • L. Jambek (BSc 2021): Causal fermion systems.

  • P. Steinke (BSc 2020): Sobolev inequalities: Trace style. Thesis awarded with the BSc prize of Bonn University.

  • D. Nogues-Kollert (BSc 2020): Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and chemotaxis problems.

  • A. Bankowski (BSc 2020): Fixed point theory.

  • E. Xylander (BSc 2020): Trace estimates involving vectorial differential operators.

  • J. Stein (BSc 2020): Function space scales and limiting L1-estimates on Besov spaces.

  • L. Busch (BSc 2020): Asplund spaces. 

  • J. Kobler (BSc 2020): Hilbert-Haar principle for variational integrals on BV.

  • S. Hunzelmann  (BSc 2018): Semigroups and their applications. The thesis can be viewed here:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

  • M. Bärlin (BSc 2018): Variationsprobleme mit linearem Wachstum. The thesis can be viewed here:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • J. Verhülsdonk (BSc 2018): \cal{A}-Quasikonvexität. The thesis can be viewed here: 

Co-supervised students/second examiner:

  • M. Simon (MSc 2024): Krylov-Safonov estimtes.                                                                                'Zweitgutachter'. First advisor: Prof. O. Schnürer.

  • P. Spitz (MSc 2023): Parameter-elliptische Randwertprobleme mit Daten beliebiger Randregularität. 'Zweitgutachter'. First advisor: Prof. R. Denk

  • S. Kümpel (MSc 2023): Im Ursprung alternierende Lösungen des mittleren Krümmungsflusses. 'Zweitgutachter'. First advisor: Prof. O. Schnürer

  • T. Grabosch (BSc 2020): The Thomas-Fermi-theory of atoms and molecules.                                                 'Zweitgutachter'. First advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • S. Horstmann (MSc 2020): Symmetric div-quasiconvexity and the relaxation of rotationally symmetric elastic domains in three dimensions. 'Zweitgutachter'. First advisor: Prof. S. Conti

  • T. C. Behaghel (BSc 2020): Fourier Restriction.                                                                                           'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • S. Böhmer (BSc 2020): The Riemann-Hilbert problem.                                                                              'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • A. Ullrich (BSc 2020): Starke isoperimetrische Ungleichung.                                                              'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • C. Reintges (BSc 2020): Hardy spaces and BMO.                                                                                   'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • A. Radlwimmer (BSc 2020): Der Primzahlensatz.                                                                                       'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • R. Wegner (BSc 2020): Symmetrisation and the Polya-Szegö-Inequality.                                                   'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • F. Höfer (BSc 2020): The Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equation.                                                                'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch

  • N. J. Bullerjahn (BSc 2020): Das Plateau-Problem.                                                                                                  'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch.

  • L. F. Pohl (BSc 2020): Existence and Radial Symmetry of Standing Waves of a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation.                                                                                                                                             'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch.

  • F. Klaus (MSc 2019): L^2(R)-wellposedness for the fifth order KdV.                                              'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch.

  • I. Mardov (MSc 2018): Particles and the Stone-von Neumann theorem.                                                 'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch.

  • H. Thiele (Bsc 2018): Komplexe chaotische Dynamik.                                                                                 'Zweitgutachter'. First Advisor: Prof. H. Koch.

  • S. Roggendorf (BSc 2018): Kontrollprobleme mit diskrete Kontrolle.                                                       'Zweitgutachter'. First Advsior: Prof. H. Koch.

  • M. Holdcroft (MMath 2017): BMO-truncations and lower semicontinuity of variational integrals.                       Joint supervision with Prof. I. Capdeboscq, 2017 (MMath thesis, University of Oxford)

  • M. Holdcroft, A. Shao & K. Tokmakov: OxPDE undergraduate summer project on Convex Integration.               Joint Supervision with Bogdan Raita, 2015, University of Oxford.

  • Dino Mörtl (BSc 2015): Calderón-Zygmund decomposition and Lipschitz truncation.                                            Joint (external) supervision with Prof. L. Diening, 2015 (BSc thesis, University of Munich). The thesis can be viewed here:

Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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