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CURRENT TEACHING (Winter Term 2024/25)

  • Analysis 3, Ordinary Differential Equations (lecture).                                                                                             2hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly). Assistant: Lukas Fußangel, M.Sc.

  • Cabin Seminar on Fourier Analysis (seminar).                                                                                                       Block seminar in Pfitztal, Austria, Oct 2024. Assistants: Lukas Fußangel, M.Sc. & Paul Stephan, M.Sc.

  • Oberseminar Analysis (research seminar), weekly, jointly with Prof. H. Freistühler, Prof. O. Schnürer & Prof. R. Racke


At the University of Konstanz:

  1. Analysis 2 (lecture), Summer 2024.                                                        BSc lecture, 4hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly).

  2. Analysis 1(lecture), Winter 2023/24.                                                        BSc lecture, 4hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly)

  3. Partial Differential Equations 1 (lecture, PDG 1), Winter 2023/24.       BSc lecture, 2hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly)

  4. Functional Analysis (lecture, Funktionalanalysis 1). Summer 2023.          BSc lecture, 2 hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly).

  5. Complex Analysis (lecture, Funktionentheorie). Summer 2023.                BSc lecture, 2 hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly).

  6. Variational principles and geometric analysis (lecture). Summer 2023.      MSc lecture, 2hrs weekly.

  7. Research Seminar Analysis. Winter 2022/23, 2hrs weekly.

  8. Harmonic Analysis & Corona Theorems. Summer 2022.                       MSc lecture, 4hrs weekly with exercises (2hrs weekly). 

  9. Harmonic functions and the Dirichlet principle, Block/Cabin Seminar,  Summer 2022.

  10. Calculus of Variations (lecture), Winter 2021/22. MSc lecture, 2hrs weekly with exercises.

  11. Fourier Analysis (lecture), Winter 2021/22. BSc/MSc lecture, 2hrs weekly.

  12. Functions of bounded variation and their applications (lecture), Summer 2021. MSc lecture, 2hrs weekly.

  13. Convex Analysis (block seminar), Summer 2021.


At the University of Bonn: 

  1. Mathematics for geoscience students (lecture), Winter 2020/21

  2. Assistant to Prof. Koch, Nonlinear PDE 1, Winter 2020/21

  3. Bachelor's & Master's Theses Seminar (jointly with Prof. H. Koch and Th. Simon).

  4. Selected Topics, Graduate Lecture: Function Spaces & Potential Theory (for 3rd year BSc students and MSc students).            More information is available here. Summer 2020.

  5. V3B3: Assistant to Prof. Koch, PDE & Modelling. Summer 2020.

  6. Weekly Bachelor's & Master's Theses Seminar (jointly with Prof. Koch), Summer 2020.

  7. Assistant to Prof. Koch, Functional Analysis & PDEs.

  8. Graduate Seminar on Functional Analysis: Inequalities. Winter Term 2019/20.

  9. V5B5: Advanced Topics in Calculus of Variations and PDE: Elliptic Regularity for Variational Problems.                                    The course page can be accessed here.

  10. V2B2: Assistant to Prof. Koch, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.                                                                              The course webpage can be accessed here.

  11. Consolidation/exercise course to Analysis 3, Winter Term 2018/19 (course material - page internal link).

  12. Assistant to Prof. Koch, Analysis 3, Winter Term 2018/19 (course webpage).

  13. Assistant to Prof. Koch, Analysis 2, Summer Term 2018 (course webpage).

  14. Assistant to Prof. Koch, Analysis 1, Winter Term 2017/18 (course webpage).   

At the University of Oxford (note that the Oxford 'class tutor' is closest to the 'assistant' at other universities, whereas the Oxford 'teaching assistant' comes closest to 'tutors' at other universities):

        1. College Tutor for Statistics, St. Edmund Hall, Trinity 2017. 

        2. Lectures on Convex Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, PDE CDT Doctoral Training, for the lecture of Prof. Rupflin,                                 Hilary 2017

        3. Class Tutor for Revisions on Banach and Hilbert spaces, Trinity 2015, 2016. 

        4. Class Tutor/TA for Banach spaces (various classes from Michaelmas 2014 - Michaelmas 2016)

        5. Class Tutor for Martingales through Measure Theory, for the lecture of Prof. Qian, Michaelmas 2015/16.

        6. Class Tutor/TA  for Nonlinear Analysis, for the lecture of Prof. Kristensen within the PDE CDT Training program, Hilary                 2015, 2016.

        7. Class Tutor/TA for 'Introduction to PDEs', for the lecture of Prof. Chen within the PDE CDT Training program,                                 Michaelmas  2014.

        8. TA for 'Functional Analytic Methods for PDEs', for the lecture of Prof. Seregin. Michaelmas 2014. 

        9. TA for Stochastic Differential Equations, for the lecture of Prof. Hambly, Michaelmas 2014.

      10. Class Tutor for Hilbert spaces, for the lecture of Prof. Priestley, Hilary 2015.

      11. College Tutor for Numerical Analysis, St. Magdalen's College, Hilary 2014. 

At the University of Munich: 

        1. TA for the lecture Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Summer Term 2013, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Diening.

        2. TA for the lecture Complex Analysis, Summer Term 2012, for the lecture of PD. Dr. Zenk.

        3. TA for the lecture Analysis 2 (2 sets), Summer Term 2013, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Merkl

        4. Analysis 1 Revision Class, February 2013, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Merkl. 

        5. TA for Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Summer Term 2012, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Diening

        6. TA for the Mentoring Program for First Year Students, Summer Term 2012, supervised by Dr. Groll

        7. TA and marker for Ordinary Differential Equations, Summer Term 2012, for the lecture of PD. Dr. Philip

        8. TA for the Mentoring Program for First Year Students, Winter Term 2011/12, for the lectures of Prof. Dr. Cieliebak,                       Prof. Dr. Rosenschon

        9. TA and marker for Numerical Analysis 1, Winter Term 2011/12, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Diening

      10. TA and marker for Linear Algebra 2, Winter Term 2011/12, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Bley  

      11. TA and marker for Analysis 2 for Statistics and Computer Science Students, Summer Terms, for the lecture of PD. Dr.                   Philip 

      12. TA and marker for Analysis 1, Summer Term 2011, for the lecture of Prof. Dr. Bley. 

Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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