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Short CV

  • Full Name: Franz Xaver Gmeineder

  • Born June 10th, 1990 in Augsburg, Germany.

  • Marital state: unmarried (in a relationship)



  • As of Apr 01, 2021: W1-Professorship "Theory of partial differential equations" (with tenure track to W3) at the University of Konstanz, Department of Mathematics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  • Oct 2017 - Mar 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bonn (Analysis group  headed by Profs. Koch, Thiele & Lesch) & HCM Bonn; affiliated with Prof. Dr. H. Koch. As of Apr 2019: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit ('academic counsellor'). As of Jun 2020, offers for tenure-track professorships (i.a., FSU Jena, U Konstanz).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • May 2017-June 2017: Research Stay at MPI MIS Leipzig (Group of Prof. Dr. F. Otto)                                             

  • Oct 2014-Sep 2017: DPhil Student at Oxford University, Mathematical Institute                                       (OxPDE research group headed by Profs. Sir John M. Ball FRS, G-Q. Chen), supervised by Prof. Dr. J. Kristensen. 

       Thesis title: Regularity theory for variational problems on BD. 312 pp.

       Predicate: No corrections (Oxford best mark)

       Thesis referees: Prof. G. Seregin, Ph.D. (University of Oxford & Steklov Institute Moscow) & Prof. G.              Dal Maso, Ph.D. (SISSA Triest)


  • Oct 2013-Sep 2014: Probationer Research Student (PRS) at Oxford University, Mathematical Institute (OxPDE), supervised by Prof. Dr. J. Kristensen. 

  • Apr 2013-Sep 2013: MSc Student at the University of Munich (Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics Group headed by Prof. L. Erdös), supervised by Prof. Dr. D. Breit.

       Thesis title: Approximation theorems for parabolic BV and BD spaces. 93pp.                                                             


  • Oct 2012-Mar 2013: Scientific Stay at University of Florence, Italy.                                                                      


  • Oct 2009-Mar 2013: BSc Student at the University of Munich (Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics Group headed by Prof. L. Erdös), supervised by Prof. Dr.  D. Breit.

       Thesis title: Functions of bounded variation and related problems in the calculus of variations. 166pp.                             



  • Sep 2000-Jun 2009: High School, Holbein Gymnasium Augsburg, Germany. 

       Oct 2008-Jun 2009: Early Studies Program, University of Augsburg. 


Contact Details: 

F Gmeineder

Professorship (TT) 'Theory of PDEs'                                                                                 

FB Mathematik & Statistik

Universitätsstraße 10                                 E-Mail: franz.gmeineder (at)

78464 Konstanz, Germany

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